Below you’ll find details about parking, shuttles, and hotel recommendations near the hotel.
Getting there
Wedding Venue / Místo konání svatby
Savoia Castle, Smiřických 1, 250 83 Škvorec, Czechia
Traveling by car / Příjezd autem
There is enough parking spots around the castle to accommodate most of the guests.
Kolem zámku je dostatek parkovacích míst.
Traveling by plane
Savoia Castle is located 30 minutes by car or Uber/Bolt. The cost of one trip is approximately 40 USD.
Savoia Guesthouse & Residence
Savoia Ubytování
Accommodation right next the castle. Please write your name in the excel sheet below if you wish to spend the night.
Ubytování je hned vedle zámku. Napište se, prosím, do excelové tabulky k příslušnému pokoji.
Affordable hotels in Prague
Hermitage Hotel
Aurus Hotel
VN17 Rooftop Suites by Adrez
THE MANES Boutique Hotel Prague